Wednesday, November 10, 2010


17SEP2008 Wednesday
(went home from work due to ear ache)
(after a nap in the hammock outside:) I had some bad, dark dreams while sleeping with an ear ache .. I shouldn’t comment on how Beautiful the world is, it makes me come across as civilian, like I’m not a part of it, like it’s surprising to me.
21SEP2008 (Sunday)
The sages claim that once a person dehumanized another human being, they lose their own humanity. These sages may say I lost my humanity.
I would argue vehemently until all that is left is to discard the sages, entirely.
There are times when I am sitting at a table, and the wood of the table, the linen of the drapery, the sunlight through the window, become more relevant than the human being sitting across from me.
I know what a human being is. I know the Grand, powerful, holy qualities of each human being. I know they have these qualities, I know their infinite value. At times I come across human beings who honor and exercise the qualities they own.
At other times I meet human beings who not only deny these qualities, they dishonor them, and do not exercise them. To me the ignorance and lacking of their spirit overruns and drowns out their humanity.
At that point, it’s like their sound becomes muffled from my ears, and the sight of them becomes blurry, while the table, and linen, and the sunlight, sharpen in focus.
I know that the person’s weakness makes them irrelevant. I know the tragedy of the death of their true humanity already happened, and is not my doing, only my acknowledging.
I know that every human being is infinite possibilities, infinite potentials, all stories .. but at a certain point it happens to me that my vision becomes so clear in that the human being isn’t a human being anymore, but something so weak, that their weakness is unacceptable, unforgivable, and therefore that person is irrelevant.
It becomes clear that they are so weak that evolution will naturally, and correctly, erase them, while the wood of the table, and the cotton of the linen, and the sunlight on my face and hands, shine with strength and resilience; those grand qualities that I know are also human; the qualities that sustain life.

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