Wednesday, November 10, 2010



It's the day after Christmas. I got home this morning. My house is amazing, and the land is amazing. I forgot how unbelievably lucky I am.
Meanwhile as soon as I sat down in the recliner I fell asleep and woke up in the dark. I didn't realize I was that tired. I showered and went to sleep in my own bed, the first time in a month. I went to sleep shirtless because even though I've been muscular for many years, soldiering has given me a six pack even I can't believe.

I’m being considered for promotion to a slot two ranks higher than the one I am right now.
Of course I was the last to know. Bo__, Mos__, Se__, even K__ had heard rumor of it.

Holy Sh-t ..
(Standing on the sides of my feet) I used to do it as a boy and I never understood why. I never saw anyone else doing it.
Nowadays, when the pain in my feet is bad, I stand on the sides of my feet. I’ve always had Achilles tendonitis, and my body has always known it.
Most people, (healthy people), are just plain good, and only every once in awhile have to Remember it, or remind themselves of it.
By being Good and remembering my Goodness
it makes my moments twice as Hard.

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