Wednesday, November 10, 2010



(at the Soldier Readiness Center, going through all the stations and lines) (getting my blood pressure read) I remember that the Angrier I allow myself to feel, the slower my heart beat, the steadier my pulse, the calmer my head. It’s frustration that stresses me. Because it’s about power. Coming from that place I never knew that power existed. I only knew Aggression. I remember these things in order to pass the blood pressure stations.
(going through the finance section) I just remembered _The Wonder Years._ Just got that back .. and the show, _Life Goes On._ I loved those shows. I had forgotten about them. Weird the parts of my childhood I recover.
I disagreed with K____, my best friend here.
Nature versus Nurture is elementary, but it‘s what he believes.
_Once you‘re aware of the nature and the nurture‘s power, it‘s not a part of your identity anymore,_ I said. _It’s just something you’re aware of. It‘s just part of your human experience. When you’re born you just look open your eyes and begin to react. You just see what’s in front of you. What if you had been born something else instead of human. You’d do the same thing, and you’d still be you .. You just keep reacting to what’s in front of you, deducing this and that, until you remember yet again that none of it has anything to do with who you are. That’s the point where you stop reacting and start living your life._
K____ didn‘t buy it.
_What if you were fearless though?_ I replied, _You wouldn’t need to know how you got here or what will happen to you._
He didn’t buy that either ..
Em_____ has wanted to talk with me for weeks.
I never had the time. Now he’s locked up in the Military’s mental hospital. He’s from a similar background from me and we both knew it. Damn. Damn. Damn. This is my fought. What is going to happen to him?

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