Wednesday, November 10, 2010



I had a series of strange dreams last night. The most clear and affecting part was where me and W____ were at the Music Awards, and there were two other people in our box: two middle aged black women.
The context that was assumed was that W____ and I hadn't seen each other in a long time (which is how it is in the present) and we hadn't said much to each other now that we were in the same box at the Music Awards.
I sat in front of W____. He put his hand on my head and started rubbing it. Silently it was assumed in the dream that he was interested in the fact that I kept my head shaved now. It turned into a massage, but still not sexual.
The silent assumed context changes then, to where it becomes about my suspicions about W____. Like he starts to shave my head, as an act of brotherly love, like the way the apes groom each other on the Discovery channel, but he is only able to do it halfway before he is distracted and starts dealing with someone else.
I feel like he may have left my head half shaven in order to make me look worse than him, so I undress and turn on the shower that happens to be in the box, and begin shaving properly, in my usual way.
He sits down and watches me shave my head. I keep wanting to tell him that I like my head this way, and it's just as cool a look as his own, but for some reason I want to convince him of this, not just tell him, which seems impossible at the time.
The two black women throughout the dream are consistently making us laugh or saying things that keep the dream somehow normalized, their attempts at conversation, etc. I wake from the dream completely confused.

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